<% dim username dim LS dim CS dim TS dim PS dim coach dim coachid dim team dim teamid dim membercount dim mc username = Session("User") set LS = ObjConn.execute("SELECT Coach, Team FROM login WHERE username = '" & username & "'") if LS.bof then response.write("Authorization Error!") response.end end if act = request.QueryString("act") coachid = LS("coach") teamid = LS("team") set CS = ObjConn.execute("SELECT * FROM coaches WHERE id = " & coachid) if CS.bof then response.write("Error 1 - Record Not Found!") response.end end if coach = propercase(CS("coachfirstname")) & " " & propercase(CS("coachlastname")) set TS = ObjConn.execute("SELECT Teamname FROM teams WHERE id = " & clng(teamid) & " AND Teamcoach = " & clng(coachid)) if TS.bof then response.write("Error 2 - Record Not Found!") response.end end if team = propercase(TS("Teamname")) evID = clng(request.querystring("id")) select case act case "add" sto = "Add" case "edit" set ES = ObjConn.execute("SELECT * FROM Tournaments WHERE id=" & clng(request.querystring("id"))) if not ES.bof then ES.movefirst eevent = ES("Tournament") efullname = ES("FullName") estartdate = ES("StartDate") estopdate = ES("StopDate") estarttime = ES("StartTime") ecoachid = ES("CoachID") edirector = ES("director") ephone1 = ES("Phone1") ephone2 = ES("Phone2") efax = ES("fax") eemail = ES("email") ewebsite = ES("website") eregisterid = ES("registerid") estatus = ES("status") evenue = ES("venue") eaddress = ES("address") ecity = ES("city") estate = ES("state") ecountry = ES("country") ezip = ES("postalcode") eawards = ES("awards") eschedule = ES("schedule") edivisions = ES("divisions") eweightclasses = ES("weightclasses") eentryfee = ES("entryfee") eteamsregistered = ES("teamsregistered") eid = ES("ID") sto = "Update" end if case "rem" set ES = ObjConn.execute("SELECT * FROM Tournaments WHERE id=" & clng(request.querystring("id"))) if not ES.bof then ES.movefirst eevent = ES("Tournament") efullname = ES("FullName") estartdate = ES("StartDate") estopdate = ES("StopDate") estarttime = ES("StartTime") ecoachid = ES("CoachID") edirector = ES("director") ephone1 = ES("Phone1") ephone2 = ES("Phone2") efax = ES("fax") eemail = ES("email") ewebsite = ES("website") eregisterid = ES("registerid") estatus = ES("status") evenue = ES("venue") eaddress = ES("address") ecity = ES("city") estate = ES("state") ezip = ES("postalcode") eawards = ES("awards") eschedule = ES("schedule") edivisions = ES("divisions") eweightclasses = ES("weightclasses") eentryfee = ES("entryfee") eteamsregistered = ES("teamsregistered") eid = ES("ID") sto = "Delete" end if end select %> SplitDraw - [SplitStream WebCast] Commonwealth Wrestling Championships 2007
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<% set PS = nothing%> <% set LS = nothing set CS = nothing set TS = nothing %>